Wednesday, February 24, 2010


posting whatevear Ah forget tah post be4.


(Done at work)

After watching playthroughs of the ps1 game"LSD dream emulator" (aka lovely sweet dream) I wanted to make cool stuffs that related to the game sorta...

Awhiteboard drawing I did on:
today.. or tonight w/e.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

con't of paper dolls, and a sketch.

So here's Kathy's(paper doll's) clothes I made her. I didn't make as many, as you can see...

And here's the sketch that I made eariler today:

the finished result I'm not so proud of..

I need more practice.. but I'm going to try to do one drawing a day to help me get through my art block.

Monday, February 15, 2010

katamari, fish drink, and paper dolls.

 This is an idea I thought up of while talking to a friend over aim. I'm going to be making personalized katamari cousins for my friends. this one is a test; though I had in mind how they'd look, I wasn't quite sure how it would be done.

This won't be a final result though.

now for some pictures, cuz I feel like it.. kinda

 (thought this looked cool, heh heh)

LandLady''s Daughter's(Kathy's) Paper doll. While I was kinda babysitting her, she was begging to use my compy. so I made her something to keep her busy. Instead,I was kept busy. I tried to make it look like her, so she'd be happy.

this is Kathy Helping me cut out he clothes. I made a gothic lolita dress for it. I'll ask her if I can scan the rest of the  clothes I made it later.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Let's posting

here's some things from last LAST semester, lol.

for the dead doll picture..... it was an assignment for my design class. I scared my class except my teacher.
the naked scared lady is a hermaphrodite, I decided after starring at her... and the picture with too much going on is an image  drew in order to calm myself down. My ex was at work on base, and his phone was dead.I thought I was preggerz, and it turned out by the end of the day I wasn't.The last one was when I was inspired by a song from prodigy called voodoo people, remixed by pendulum. and also, pacific ridge(?) for the PS3. great game.


dead doll.png

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

travis touchdown on the lefft..
"Donut on the glass plate on the right.

uh.. stuff will be mis mashed... some fanart here, some ramdom bulshit there.. you  know...

Monday, February 8, 2010


Or, webpage. whichever you'd like to refer to.
 Since I have a page in which i can post whatever I feel like, I'm gonna go ahead with a BANG... and post alot of shit. 'kay?
SO! let's post  stuff....




These pics are actually based on my ex when we were going out.Oh yeah, by the way,this is a test post. more stuff ahead. MUCH more. expect some adult things to come, kay~?